Complete Bullcrap - Banana Satan

Hello there, Generic Character here. You might remember me last time when I masturbated to a sexy scary photo. Ever since then, I have been chased around by a psychopath known as Banana Satan. I think he may have came because he likes being too spooky for you. When I get from from work and I go to the bathroom to go to Por-IMEANUH, nothing. So like I was saying, he keeps following me. I try to avoid him but he keeps following me. Until one day, he woke me up and he scared the living shit out of me. He said 'I will steal your soul', I was like NOOOOOOOO, why? He replied 'Stop being a huge lonely piece of crap that lives in your mothers basement, learn to man up!' I replied 'OK OK, just please don't steal my soul' He then said 'I have a collection of teen lesbo porn' I screamed, 'DEAL!' He stole my soul and I got my porn. I found out it was just some kids show, so I asked for a refund. I screamed 'I WANT MY SOUL BACK!' He then said 'But promise me, you will not be a total loser at life' I replied 'OK OK!' He then said 'Very well,' After that experience, I got a job, a girlfriend and an apartment. From now on, I will stop being a huge loser, and start living life the way it's meant to be.